Frequently Asked Questions

Troubleshooting CMM/OCM Scenarios

No Query Resolution
1 When the CMM URL is accessed and there is a generic error that says you do not have access. This is an expected scenario where the user is not available as part of the CMM user management in the database. Ask the user to contact Super-Admin user to get respective ID added into CMM User access with appropriate level of access.
2 A user complain that not all the CMM or reports options are visible on the screen. This is an expected scenario where the user does not have access to view the module they are requesting for. Here the options that a customer has access to is only shown on the screen.
3 The data displayed on CMM/Reports is not expected. Look into the DB and also check logs.
4 The IVR announcement is not getting played. Browse the CMM phrase link from the browser and see if it downloads properly, else update the correct URL in the IVR properties file.
5 Couldn’t login to CMM (e.g.- Page shows loading) Check whether all the services up and running (e.g.- DB)
Check log files for possible exceptions logged.
Check whether the user is registered.
6 Authentication failure error in CMM Check whether the user is registered.
Check the log files for possible exceptions logged.
7 Reports does not display any data There might be no records for the given search criteria in database. Check DB for the same. Alternatively, check if user has provided wrong search criteria.

Troubleshooting TMAC Scenarios

No Query Resolution
1 TMAC application shows status “offline” This because network connectivity lost between Client PC and the WAS. For this check for ‘timer elapsed’ keyword on the TMAC Server logs.
2 Agents get logged out of TMAC automatically The exact error due to which the agent was logged out is displayed on the TMAC Client screen.
3 Troubleshooting TMAC ACW information sent to iServe/CRM In TMAC logs check Data To Send.
4 Agents couldnt login to TMAC (Eg shows “loading”) This happens if Tmac service is not running. Check whether service is running.
5 Authentication failure error in TMAC Check AES connection. Alternatively check avaya pbx setup.
6 TMAC not triggering iServe/crm/Microsoft Dynamics/SmartHotel etc. No pop ups. Following might be the possibilities
· Browser setting is blocking popup
· Port 445 between the client PC and the WAS is not open
7 Wallboard information is not displayed in TMAC. Following might be the possibilities:
· Check if the SMS API Service is down.
· Check SMS API logs for ‘authentication failure’. Avaya PBX team to renew the password if authentication failure is seen.
8 TMAC client closed abruptly. Check if TMAC service is running. Alternatively there might be a network connection failure.
9 Steps to follow if Transaction Failed/Customer Details not populated in TMAC Search mainframe.log with “CIN” and check whether details are received from host.

Troubleshooting IVR Scenarios

No Query Resolution
1 When customer selects IVR while waiting in queue, then the system plays sorry this system is currently unavailable and transfers the call back to the queue. This is expected behavior for calls when the AEP ports are not available for that call.
2 When customer selects IVR while waiting in queue, then the system plays sorry we are having a technical difficulty. Check the application URL in EPMS. Browse the link from EPMS and see if it can be verified.
3 License Page shows the below error.

“License grace period for Experience Portal will end on Aug 8, 2015 12:57:04 PM SGT”

License must be updated.
4 Steps to follow if there is a Prompt related issue Check whether the wav file found
5 Steps to follow if a Prompt is not played even when it is copied to correct folder Check whether the file in CCIT-meu law format.
6 Steps to follow if user is not routed to the correct VDN Find out the intent and check whether it is configured in Intent skill mapping table.
7 Steps to follow if there is No answer from IVR Check whether AEP ports are in status “Inservice” in AEP.
8 Steps to follow if default callflow is played in IVR Check if WAS is running. Default callflow is played when WAS is not available.
9 Steps to follow if IVR plays “Sorry, your request cannot be processed” Check the host transaction response. It is played when the response is not accessed from the mainframe host or when there is a runtime error in application.

Troubleshooting Dialer Scenarios

No Query Resolution
1 Error “MonitorStation failed” is observed in logs. This is observed when dialer is not able to monitor the station. Check connectivity between CM and AES.
2 Error “OnSessionFailed” or “OnServerFailed” is observed in logs. This is observed when there is a connectivity issue between dialer, AES and CM.
3 Error “SecurityLogin failed” is observed in logs. When connection between AES and Dialer is down.
4 Error ” RecoverTSAPI:loop:SecurityLogin success” is observed in logs. When connection between AES and Dialer is down and dialer tries to recover in a loop. And has recovered successfully.
5 Error ” RecoverTSAPI:loop:max loop count reached” is observed in logs. When connection between AES and Dialer is down and dialer tries to recover in a loop. Could not recover until the max loop is reached.
6 Error ” RecoverStationMonitor:loop: Recover Station Monitor success” is observed in logs. If monitor station fails. Dialer tries to recover monitor station in a loop until successful.
7 Error “hbSendFailed” is observed in logs. When primary is not able to send heart beats to secondary.
8 Error “alternateDialerNotRunning” is observed in logs. When the secondary dialer is down and primary is trying to reach primary dialer.
9 Callback is not dialed out Check if dialer service is running. Check dialer logs for any exceptions/errors.
10 Checking callback status. Check DB/callback reports for callback status in CMM/OCM

Troubleshooting Faxer Scenarios

If Inbound fax doesn’t work, kindly check the below points:

  1. If Faxer is listening to port other than
    , make sure that port is appended with the IP address in SIP Trunk Configuration of free switch.
    Eg. If
    is the machine where Faxer is running and it is listening to the port
    , then you need to add
    in the IP address field in the SIP Trunk.Also make sure that Faxer is listening to the port configured in the trunk.
  2. Make sure that Faxer is listening to the port specified in the Fax.ini.
    In Fax.ini there are key DEFAULTPORT and PORTLIST which contains ports Faxer is listening to.

Using taskbar identify the pid of the Faxer.exe, and then launch command line and type “netstat -ano | findstr pid”Eg. Faxer.exe has pid 15756 listening to 5060 and 5070 as in the below screenshots.


  • Make sure that ports at which Faxer is listening, are not used by any other processes in that machine.
  • Using SIP supported phone like linphone software or your cellphone, you can call to Fax Line number for which Faxer is configured. You should listen to Fax tone once the call is being received. If not then there is problem in routing calls to Fax Server.
  • In case user has access to install Wireshark in the machine, he can run Wireshark and filter the network packets by keyword
    “SIP” and trace incoming and outgoing SIP calls to Fax Server.
  • Make sure that Database Server IP specified in fax.ini is reachable and valid one. Also verify Database Name, username and password is correct.
  • You can check LogArchieve.log file to trace the application error.

If outbound Fax doesn’t work, kindly check the below points:

  1. Make sure that Fax Server is added as SIP trunk to the free switch.
  2. Check whether outbound PBX IP and port is valid and reachable. Fax Webservice’s
    contains key “TRUNK” which has the outbound pbx value.
  3. Make sure that image to be sent must be only .tif or .tiff format. Other image formats are not supported.
  4. Make sure that .tif image file to be sent has following width and Resolution specification as below table.
    | XResolution x YResolution | Image Width |
    | 200×100, 204×98 | | | |
    | 204×196, 204×391 | 1728 | 2048 | 2432 |
    | | | | |
    +————–+—————–+———+——–+——–+| 408 x 391, 400 x 400 | 3456 | 4096 | 4864 |+————–+—————–+———+——–+——–+|Letter,A4| B4 | A3 || Legal | | |+———+——–+——–+| Paper Size |


[Note: This result is based on testing done between two Faxer Service instance, With the physical Fax machine, data may vary. This is the standard width and

Resolution supported by T.30 protocol.]

If the tiff image to be sent has the resolution and width other than listed in the above table, then Fax will not be sent as it is design specification of tiff image for T.30 protocol.

  • Check the tiff image other properties such as Compression, Bit depth and Resolution Unit.
    • Compression
      should be either
      CCITT T.4 or CCITT T.6
    • Bit depth
      must be1.
    • Resolution Unit must be 2.
  • If you have access to linphone in the Fax Server, make a SIP call to the Fax Machine number and make sure that you listen Fax tones once call is auto answered.E.g. If receiving fax machine is configured for the number 12345 and outbound pbx IP is and port 5070 then from Fax Server try to call to the number sip:12345@;transport=tcp
  • ROOT key value in the fax.ini and JOBFOLDER key in Fax Web Service web.config should be same and point to same directory in the machine.
  • Check IMAGEFOLDER key value in web.config
    points to the Fax image Directory.
  • Check SQL Database Server is reachable and verify its Database name, username and password is accurate.
  • You can run the Wireshark to trace the outgoing SIP calls and observe the response.
  • Check LogArchieve.log to check any application related errors.

Troubleshooting Guide for Text Chat Server

  1. Make sure that Text Chat Server is added as node name in the CM and it should be member of signaling group with an signaling group id and need to create new SIP trunk with the same signaling group id of Text chat Server. For more info please refer installation guide of text chat server.
  2. Make sure that chat skill is created with a skill id and add a vector to route the call to skill id or specify the skill id while creating vdn , assign this chat skill id to an Agent.
  3. Verify whether TextchatServer.exe is add to Firewall exception list.
  4. make sure that port.customer value in TextchatServer.exe.config should be same as port value in mobile chat application.
  5. Using “telnet” tool try to connect to text chat server IP with the customer.port value from any computer.
  6. Kisisto chat button in the mobile chat app should be off for the textchat to work properly.
  7. Make sure that Intent value specified in the mobile chat app should be mapped to chat vdn number configured in PBX.There are two ways to configure vdn number for intent value
    • Configure intent and corresponding ChatVDN column value in Intent Mapping Table in the SQL DB.
    • Configure intent and corresponding vdn in ismap.xml file found in TextChatServer binary folder.
  8. Make sure that you have configured valid AMAC, Dialer and ChatVDN Web service url in TextchatServer.exe.config. And Tmac value in csocheck.txt in rconfig folder
  9. Verify pbx1.addr, pbx2.addr and corresponding pbx1.port and pbx2.port points to valid pbx and port in TextchatServer.exe.config.
  10. cid.rangeStart and cid.rangeEnd value in TextchatServer.exe.config should match with ChatNumbers value in AMACWebServerWin.exe.config of TMAC Server.
  11. Port.agent value in TextchatServer.exe.config should match with TextChatServerIP1 value in AMACWebServerWin.exe.config of TMAC.
  12. Make sure that Microsoft Visual studio 2010 x86 and x64 redistributables are installed on TextChatServer.
  13. Using any sip phone try to call to the VDN for the given pbx from the Text Chat Server and make sure the call is routing to agent and establishing (agent with text chat skill assigned)

Check TMAC and TextChatServer logs for any application errors.